Thursday, May 13, 2010

Month of May

This month has been emotionally challenging for me, as May 3rd was my father's birthday. I was unable to attend the MS Walk Pooch Parade at Belmont Lake State Park because I had to work. For all who are just joining me, my father died three years ago from MS. He passed before The Farm was finished, but he plays a major role as 'Chief Ta Ta.' I wear his ring in memory of him, a green emerald, his birthstone, which is also used for creativity and healing.


Anonymous said...

Aren't all emeralds green?

Shannon Wallace said...

Yes, the primary hue for an emerald must be green. Emeralds occur in hues ranging from yellow-green to blue-green. Color is divided into three components: hue, saturation and tone. The darkest is the purest. The emerald is a big motivator for my next novel. I've been doing my research!